Dental Crowns, Bridges, & Fillings | When You Need Them & Why
Dental Crowns, Bridges, & Fillings
Most don’t consider the steps needed to restore damaged or decayed teeth until they experience the need first hand (often in an emergency setting). Don’t be caught of guard tomorrow when that cookie from lunch cracks a tooth, or when you’re playing in your company softball league and a tooth gets knocked out. Be prepared and know the options that exist to you.Whatever may have caused your decayed or damaged grin, restorative dentistry is what you’ll need to look for. This area dental practice focuses on restoring these damaging effects that occur over time, through accidents, and often with the gradual affects of aging. In some cases, restorative options may not be the best fix. This is why we’ve provided some cosmetic quick fix options toward the middle of this post. However, in the case of an emergency, or if you feel you are a candidate for a better looking smile, give us a call or fill out our appointment form.
Dental Fillings
Simply put, fillings are used to restore decayed teeth. A rotting or decayed tooth should be cleaned out and then restored by a filling regardless of how it happened. This keeps the tooth functioning by removing the decay and then filling the cracks so that further decay doesn’t settle in. These fillings can also be set to match the appearance of your smile. Dental fillings are often used to correct cavities as well.Dental Bridges
Bridges are commonly used to bridge the gap left between missing or extremely spaced out teeth. Missing teeth can cause all kinds of issues, such as a bad bite from shifting teeth, gum disease, and even TMJ disorders. Fixing a missing tooth with a bridge can quickly and permanently restore your mouth to functioning again. So, if that softball game knocks a tooth out, dental bridges may be in your near future.Dental Crowns
Like it sounds, a crown’s general purpose is to sit on top of or cap a tooth – specifically a damaged tooth. Like bridges, crowns are fixed prosthetic devices. In fact, bridges and crowns can go hand in hand. Where one needs a bridge, a crown will often accompany.Suffered blunt force trauma? You may need a crown to repair cracked teeth. Need an old filling replaced? A crown can replace a large filling, improve a tooth’s overall appearance, protect a week tooth, and even cover a dental implant. Crowns made from porcelain can easily match the color and shape of your teeth to easily blend into your smile.